Molds are microorganisms that proliferate in wet environments. Ambient temperature also plays a role in their concentration and diversity.
The first signs of contamination are easily detectable: a change of color on a surface of materials, blistering or an unusual odor. In some cases, signs are visible on health with symptoms of irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and sometimes allergic reactions.
The means of control:
Inspection :
- Visual inspection:
General appearance of the building, odors detected on arrival, identification of probable sources
- Intrusive inspection:
Opening and Inspection through Materials
- An inspection of the building envelope
Taking the relative humidity, temperature and dew point of ambiant air
Taking of the moisture content of the materials at depth (gypsum, plaster, subfloor, wood, concrete.)
Detection :
- Air quality tests
- Sample collections
- Laboratory analyzes
Actions :
With a complete inspection report including recommendations based on the assessment of the level of risk, a list of possible methods for removal or cleaning is proposed.
Lead and other pollutants
Contact us for more information on the detection of lead and other pollutants.